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Brilliant Achievements of Some EWU Students

Fifteen people have recently been awarded the Prime Minister's Fellowship for Ph.D. this year under the Public Administration Skills Enhancement Project for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the Government of Bangladesh. Md. Abir Hasan, a former student of the Department of Economics at East West University (EWU), has been awarded as the only non-government Ph.D. applicant from Bangladesh for this fellowship. He will complete his Ph.D. at Oxford University in the UK.

Md. Nazmul Khan, another student of the Department of Economics, EWU, has been selected for the Master's Program in Economics at New York University, USA, under the Full Bright Scholarship of the United States Government. In addition, Fatima Tasnim, a student of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, EWU, has received a job offer letter from the world's largest tech giant Google, as a software engineer.

Prof. Dr. Mohammed Farashuddin, Chief Adviser, and Prof. Dr. M.M. Shahidul Hassan, Vice Chancellor, EWU, congratulated them for their brilliant achievements.