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EWU Alumnus Tithila wins first prize in Meena Media Award

Kohinur Khyum Tithila, a former student of the Department of English, East West University (EWU), and reporter of the daily Dhaka Tribune has won the first prize of the Unicef Meena Media Awards under the category of “Journalistic Reporting that Promotes Child Rights” (text) for her article “Rapes in madrasas: Breaking the silence”. A total of 22 journalists got awards for their reporting on child rights in Bangladesh in 2021, organized by Unicef Bangladesh.

Dr. Farzana Akhter, Associate Professor and Chairperson, Department of English, EWU, congratulated Tithila for her outstanding work and achievement. The Meena Media Awards launched by Unicef in 2005, recognises excellence in journalistic reporting that promotes the cause of children. From nearly 700 submissions, a panel of impartial judges, comprising media veterans and academics, chose the winners.

On the occasion, Sheldon Yett, Unicef representative to Bangladesh said “The media plays a vital role in drawing public attention to critical issues, and in holding decision-makers accountable for improving children’s lives. The Unicef Meena Media Awards also recognize reporting by child journalists, reminding us how important it is to give children space to speak up directly on issues that matter to them.”

Robaet Ferdous, Professor, University of Dhaka and one of the judges said “I congratulate the winners as well as the participants of the Meena Media Awards. There were powerful stories this year, and in the coming days we hope to see even more child-sensitive, ethical reporting”.