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Women Contributing to the Engineering-Based Profession and Research

IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.To energize the female students in engineering education, 26th February 2021 IEEE East-West University Student Branch arranged a webinar on "Women Contributing to the Engineering-Based Profession and Research". There were two sessions of this webinar:

In the First session that was held on 7.00-8.05 PM, Here thespeaker was Dr. Maheshi B. Dissanayake( Chair, IEEE Sri Lanka Section (2021/2022 Session, Immediate Past Chair, IEEE WIE Affinity 2021, Senior Lecturer, Department of EEE, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka). She talked about “Why are girls still not attracted to a career in Engineering ?” In this session, students are known to Engineering fields very well and there was huge feedback from both male and female students. Students learn how they are attracted to their field and how they cope with it in their field.

In the Second session at 8.15-9.30 PM, Speaker was Samantha Lubaba Noor (Chair WIE AG, IEEE BDS, 2016 & 2018, Graduate Research Assistant at Nanoelectronics Research Lab, School of ECE, Georgia Institute of Technology and Former Senior Lecturer at EWU, 2017-2018). She talked about Plasmonics which is the new hope for ultrafast computing. She explained details as if students can learn deeply and at the end time she got success. Students feedback very well as they are learning something special.There was a 5 to 10-minute Q/A session inside the 1 hour occupied for each session.

After the First Session, there was a 10-minute break session. In this webinar total participants were about 40 to 45. It was a pleasure that not only EWU students there were other University students also. All over it was a wonderful webinar. 

In the future, we hope IEEE EWU SB will organize more informative and effective webinars.