EWU-CRT Organized a Research Seminar
Mar 30, 2023

East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT) organized a research seminar titled “Implementation of E-portfolio in Bangladeshi Tertiary Level English Writing Course” on 30 March 2023 in EWUCRT Seminar Room of East West University (EWU). The presenter of the seminar was Ms. Kaniz Fatema, Senior Lecturer, Department of English, EWU.
The seminar was conducted by Dr. Rafiqul Huda Chaudhury, Chairperson, East West University Center for Research and Training (EWUCRT). The main discussant of the seminar was Dr. Muhammed Shahriar Haque, Professor Department of English, EWU. A short questions and answers session was also held on the occasion.
Professor Dr. Muhammad Ziaulhaq Mamun, Pro-Vice Chancellor of EWU, distinguished faculty members and officials of EWUCRT from various departments of EWU also attended the seminar.